1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
One of the environmental problems faced by people in the world is environmental pollution due to the general knowledge of the community about waste management. So that waste in the community does not accumulate, a special action is needed, namely recycling waste. The process of recycling waste is carried out differently according to its type. Organic waste can be recycled into compost or bio gas. Metal and non-metal inorganic waste can be recycled by means of reprinting, including printing or remelting without reducing the quality of the inorganic waste. In general, sorting waste is still done manually by hand. For example, to sort metal waste and non-metal waste from pile of garbage is still carried out by human hands manually. That matter less effective in terms of time and energy. With these conditions, one solution is to build a microcontroller implementation system Sorting Metal And Non-Metal Waste In The Trash.The process of sorting the types of waste consists of three categories, namely metal, plastic and glass waste. Garbage sorting is generally done manually, but this method is less effective, because it is a result of the general public about knowing the types of waste and still mixing waste into one place. Therefore, a smart trash can is needed that can sort automatically by utilizing microcontroller technology so that people do not need to sort manually. With these conditions, one solution is to build a microcontroller implementation system Sorting Waste in the Trash so that it can distinguish between plastic, metal and glass waste.
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
1. Research task of this project Goal of this project is to sort minimum three different types of wastes: Plastic, Metal and Glass. Therefore we will design and create a sorting system metal, plastic, and glass waste that are made can sort waste automatically because it is equipped with a sensor system serves to detect metal, plastic and glass waste. I design automatic sorting bins to sort and detect metal, plastic and glass waste with ultrasonic sensors, motors, step down convertor, inductive sensors, capacitive sensors and Arduino uno as a microcontroller.Research methods of this projectDuring this graduation project, we will use several methods as below:1.Literature study, namely by obtaining data by reading books and journals related to the issues discussed in this graduation project.2.Test the control circuit with the Arduino microcontroller. This step was taken to better understand the language used by the Arduino microcontroller and to better understand how it works by making a simple monitorable circuit.3.Designing the software subsystem. This stage aims to find the optimal model of the system created by considering the various problem factors and the needs that have been determined.4.Hardware subsystem design. This step aims to find the optimal mode form of the system to be made by considering various problem factors and needs to be designed. This step also aims to find and determine the components used by the system by considering the problem factors and predetermined needs.